Note to The Tempest, 4.1.74, Juno's peacocks

The Tempest,
Act 4, Scene 1, line 74
     Juno's sacred bird is the peacock. In the allegorical etching below Juno (on the right) and her peacocks are confronting Venus and her doves. Juno is the protectress of marriage and committed love. As such she is in conflict with Venus, who represents romantic passion. In the etching a huge cupid flies away from Juno with a disappointed look on his face, perhaps because he has no place in Juno's realm of married love.
     The same distinction between the two different kinds of love represented by the two goddesses is made in the exchange between Ceres and Iris which begins at line 86 of this scene.
Allegory of Marriage and Love, Italian, sixteenth century
Allegory of Marriage and Love. Italian, ca. 1540-1560.

     Many thanks to Enrico Dal Monte for the following translation of the verses at the bottom of the etching:
One takes me and the other one holds me tight,
One I enjoy; the other one I like,
One slays my heart with his light,
The other one pierces through my heart with his look,
One brings me joy, the other delights me
With nice bolts in the heart or with sweet manners,
Both of them would give me their hearts, what shall I do?
What do you suggest, Love?