Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Englished by Sir Thomas North. Trans. Sir Thomas North. Vol. 6 (1579; London: David Nutt, 1896) 230.

MARCUS    Brutus shippes met with a great aide and supplie of men, 
BRUTUS    which were sent them out of Italie, and they overthrewe 
Brutus    them in suche sorte, that there scaped but few of them: and 
victorie    yet they were so famished, that they were compelled to eate 
by sea.    the tackle and sailes of their shippes. Thereuppon they 
    were verie desirous to fight a battell againe, before Brutus 
Wonderfull    should have intelligence of this good newes for him: for it 
famine among    chaunced so, that the battell was fought by sea, on the selfe 
Caesars soul-    same day it was fought by lande. But by ill fortune, rather 
diers by sea.    then through the malice or negligence of the Captaines, this 
    victory came not to Brutus eare, till twentie dayes after. 
The ignor-    For had he knowen of it before, he would not have bene 
ance of    brought to have fought a second battell, considering that he 
Brutus vic-    had excellent good provision for his armie for a long time, 
torie by sea,    and besides, lay in a place of great strength, so as his campe 
was his utter    could not be greatly hurt by the winter, nor also distressed 
destruction.    by his enemies: and further, he had bene a quiet Lord, 
    being a conqueror by sea, as he was also by land. This 
    would have marvelously encoraged him. Howbeit the state 
    of Rome (in my opinion) being now brought to that passe, 
    that it could no more abide to be governed by many Lordes, 
    but required one only absolute Governor: God, to prevent 
    Brutus that it shoulde not come to his government, kept this 
    victorie from his knowledge, though in deede it came but a 
    litle too late. For the day before the last battell was geven, 
    verie late in the night, came Clodius, one of his enemies into 
    his campe, who told that Caesar hearing of the overthrow of 
    his armie by sea, desired nothing more then to fight a battell 
    before Brutus understoode it. Howebeit they gave no credit 
    to his words, but despised him so muche, that they would 
    not vouchsafe to bring him unto Brutus, bicause they thought 
    it was but a lye devised, to be the better welcome for this 
The evill    good newes. The selfe same night, it is reported that the 
spirit appear-    monstruous spirit which had appeared before unto Brutus in 
ed againe    the citie of Sardis, did now appeare againe unto him in the 
unto Brutus.    selfe same shape and forme, and so vanished away, and sayd 
    never a word. Now Publius Volumnius, a grave and wise 
    Philosopher, that had bene with Brutus from the beginning 
    of this warre, he doth make mencion of this spirite, but sayth 