Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Englished by Sir Thomas North. Trans. Sir Thomas North. Vol. 6 (1579; London: David Nutt, 1896) 226.

MARCUS    thought that they were his enemies that followed him: but 
BRUTUS    yet he sent Titinnius, one of them that was with him, to 
    goe and know what they were. Brutus horsemen sawe him 
    comming a farre of, whom when they knewe that he was 
    one of Cassius chiefest frendes, they showted out for joy: 
    and they that were familiarly acquainted with him, lighted 
    from their horses, and went and imbraced him. The rest 
    compassed him in rounde about a horsebacke, with songs of 
    victorie and great rushing of their harnes, so that they 
    made all the field ring againe for joy. But this marred all. 
The import-    For Cassius thinking in deede that Titinnius was taken of 
ance of error    the enemies, he then spake these wordes: Desiring too much 
and mistak-    to live, I have lived to see one of my best frendes taken, for 
ing in warres.    my sake, before my face. After that, he gotte into a tent 
    where no bodie was, and tooke Pyndarus with him, one of 
    his freed bondmen, whom he reserved ever for suche a 
    pinche, since the cursed battell of the Parthians, where 
    Crassus was slaine, though he notwithstanding scaped from 
    that overthrow: but then casting his cloke over his head, 
Cassius slaine    and holding out his bare neck unto Pindarus, he gave him 
by his man    his head to be striken of. So the head was found severed 
Pindarus.    from the bodie: but after that time Pindarus was never 
    seene more. Wherupon, some tooke occasion to say, that 
    he had slaine his master without his commaundement. By 
    and by they knew the horsemen that came towards them, 
    and might see Titinnius crowned with a garland of triumphe, 
    who came before with great speede unto Cassius. But when 
    he perceived by the cries and teares of his frends which 
    tormented them selves, the misfortune that had chaunced to 
    his Captaine Cassius, by mistaking: he drew out his sword, 
    cursing him selfe a thowsand times that he had taried so 
The death of    long, and so slue him selfe presentlie in the fielde. Brutus 
Titinnius.    in the meane time came forward still, and understoode also 
    that Cassius had bene overthrowen: but he knew nothing of 
    his death, till he came verie neere to his campe. So when 
    he was come thither, after he had lamented the death of 
    Cassius, calling him the last of all the Romanes, being 
    unpossible that Rome should ever breede againe so noble 
    and valliant a man as he: he caused his bodie to be buried, 