Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Englished by Sir Thomas North. Trans. Sir Thomas North. Vol. 6 (1579; London: David Nutt, 1896) 20.

MARCUS    the great joy he felt. Then when be had taken his pleasure 
ANTONIUS    of the sight of them, he caused them to be set up in an  
    open place, over the pulpit for Orations (where when he 
    was alive, he had often spoken to the people) as if he had 
    done the dead man hurt, and not bleamished his owne fortune, 
    shewing him selfe (to his great shame and infamie) a cruell 
    man, and unworthie the office and authoritie he bare. His 
    uncle Lucius Caesar also, as they sought for him to kill 
    him, and followed him hard, fledde unto his sister. The 
    murtherers comming thither, forcing to breake into her 
    chamber, she stoode at her chamber dore with her armes 
Lucius Caesars    abroade, crying out still: You shall not kill Lucius Caesar, 
life saved, by    before you first kill me, that bare your Captaine in my 
his sister.    wombe. By this meanes she saved her brothers life. Now 
    the government of these Triumviri grewe odious and hate- 
Antonius    full to the Romanes, for divers respects: but they most 
riot in his    blamed Antonius, bicause he being elder then Caesar, and 
Triumvirate.    of more power and force then Lepidus, gave him selfe againe 
    to his former riot and excesse, when he left to deale in the 
    affaires of the common wealth. But setting aside the ill 
    name be had for his insolencie, he was yet much more hated 
    in respect of the house he dwelt in, the which was the 
The praise of    house of Pompey the great: a man as famous for his tem- 
Pompey the    peraunce, modestie, and civill life, as for his three triumphes. 
great.    For it grieved them to see the gates commonly shut against 
    the Captaines, Magistrates of the citie, and also Ambassadors 
    of straunge nations, which were sometimes thrust from the 
    gate with violence: and that the house within was full of 
    tomblers, anticke dauncers, juglers, players, jeasters, and 
    dronkards, quaffing, and goseling, and that on them he 
    spent and bestowed the most parte of his money he got 
    by all kind of possible extorcions, briberie and policie. For 
    they did not onely sell by the crier, the goods of those whom 
    they had outlawed, and appointed to murther, slaunderously 
    deceived the poore widowes and young orphanes, and also 
    raised all kind of imposts, subsidies, and taxes: but under- 
    standing also that the holy vestall Nunnes had certaine 
    goods and money put in their custodie to keepe, both of 
    mens in the citie, and those also that were abroade: they 