Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Englished by Sir Thomas North. Trans. Sir Thomas North. Vol. 6 (1579; London: David Nutt, 1896) 190.

MARCUS    out of Rome, they wrote: O, that it pleased the goddes 
BRUTUS    thou wert now alive, Brutus: and againe, that thou wert 
    here amonge us nowe. His tribunall (or chaire) where he 
    gave audience during the time he was Praetor, was full of 
    suche billes: Brutus, thou art a sleepe, and art not Brutus 
    in deede. And of all this, Caesars flatterers were the cause: 
    who beside many other exceeding and unspeakeable honors 
    they dayly devised for him, in the night time they did put 
    Diadeames uppon the heades of his images, supposinge 
    thereby to allure the common people to call him kinge, 
    in steade of Dictator. Howebeit it turned to the contrarie, 
    as we have wrytten more at large in Iulius Caesars life. 
    Nowe when Cassius felt his frendes, and did stirre them 
    up against Caesar: they all agreed and promised to take 
    parte with him, so Brutus were the chiefe of their con- 
    spiracie. For they told him, that so high an enterprise 
    and attempt as that, did not so muche require men of man- 
    hoode, and courage to drawe their swordes: as it stoode 
    them uppon to have a man of suche estimacion as Brutus, 
    to make everie man boldlie thinke, that by his onelie pre- 
    sence the fact were holie, and just. If he tooke not this 
    course, then that they shoulde goe to it with fainter hartes, 
    and when they had done it, they shoulde be more fearefull: 
    bicause everie man woulde thinke that Brutus woulde not 
    have refused to have made one with them, if the cause had 
    bene good and honest. Therefore Cassius considering this 
Cassius    matter with him selfe, did first of all speake to Brutus, since 
praieth    they grewe straunge together for the sute they had for the 
Brutus first,    Praetorshippe. So when be was reconciled to him againe, 
to help him    and that they had imbraced one an other: Cassius asked 
to put downe    him if he were determined to be in the Senate house, the 
the tyran.    first day of the moneth of Marche, bicause he heard say 
    that Caesars frendes shoulde move the counsell that day, 
    that Caesar shoulde be called king by the Senate. Brutus 
    aunswered him he would not be there. But if we be sent 
    for sayd Cassius: howe then? For my selfe then sayd 
    Brutus, I meane not to holde my peace, but to withstande 
    it, and rather dye then lose my libertie. Cassius being 
    bolde, and taking holde of this worde: Why, quoth he, what 