Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Englished by Sir Thomas North. Trans. Sir Thomas North. Vol. 6 (1579; London: David Nutt, 1896) 15.

     their funerals. When he saw that the people were veryMARCUS
     glad and desirous also to heare Caesar spoken of, and hisANTONIUS
     praises uttered: he mingled his oration with lamentable 
     wordes, and by amplifying of matters did greatly move 
     their harts and affections unto pitie and compassion. In 
     fine to conclude his oration, he unfolded before the whole 
     assembly the bloudy garments of the dead, thrust through 
     in many places with their swords, and called the malefactors, 
     cruell and cursed murtherers. With these words he put the 
     people into such a fury, that they presently toke Caesars 
     body, and burnt it in the market place, with such tables 
     and fourmes as they could get together. Then when the fire 
     was kindled, they toke firebrands, and ran to the murtherers 
     houses to set them afire, and to make them come out to fight. 
     Brutus therfore and his accomplices, for safety of their persons 
     were driven to fly the city. Then came all Caesars friends Calpurnia,
     unto Antonius, and specially his wife Calpurnia putting herCaesars wife.
     trust in him, she brought the moste part of her money into 
     his house, which amounted to the summe of foure thowsand 
     talents, and furthermore brought him al Caesars bokes and 
     writings, in the which were his memorials of all that he had 
     done and ordeyned. Antonius did daily mingle with them* 
     such as he thought good, and by that meanes he created 
     newe officers, made newe Senators, called home some that 
     were banished, and delivered those that were prisoners, and 
     then he sayde that all those thinges were so appoynted and Charonites,
     ordeyned by Caesar. Therefore the Romanes mocking them why so
     that were so moved, they called them Charonites: bicause called.
     that when they were overcome, they had no other helpe but 
     to saye, that thus they were found in Caesars memorialls, who M. Antonius
     had sayled in Charons boate, and was departed. Thus Anto- Consul.
     nius ruled absolutely also in all other matters, bicause he was Caius
     Consul, and Caius one of his brethren Praetor, and Lucius Antonius
     the other, Tribune. Now thinges remayning in this state at Praetor.
     Rome, Octavius Caesar the younger, came to Rome, who was Lucius
     the sonne of Iulius Caesars Nece, as you have beard before, Antonius
     and was left his lawefull heire by will, remayning at the Tribune:
     tyme of the death of his great Uncle that was slayne, in all three
     the citie of Apollonia. This young man at his first arrivall brethren