Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Englished by Sir Thomas North. Trans. Sir Thomas North. Vol. 5 (1579; London: David Nutt, 1896) 59.

     all the wayes he coulde to make everie man contented withIULIUS
     his raigne. Insomuch as one of the Consulls called Maximus,CÆSAR
     chauncing to dye a day before his Consulshippe ended, he 
     declared Caninius Rebilius Consull onely for the day thatCaninius
     remained. So, divers going to his house (as the manner was)Rebilius
     to salute him, and to congratulate with him of his calling andConsull for
     preferrement, being newly chosen officer: Cicero pleasauntlyone day.
     sayd, Come, let us make hast, and be gone thither, before 
     his Consulshippe come out. Furthermore, Caesar being borne 
     to attempt all great enterprises, and having an ambitious 
     desire besides to covet great honors: the prosperous 
     good successe he had of his former conquestes bred no desire in      
     him quietly to enjoy the frutes of his labours, but rather 
     gave him hope of thinges to come, still kindling more 
     and more in him, thoughts of greater enterprises, and desire of 
     new glory, as if that which he had present, were stale and 
     nothing worth. This humor of his was no other but an 
     emulation with him selfe as with an other man, and a 
     certaine contencion to overcome the thinges he prepared 
     to attempt. For he was determined, and made preparacion 
     also, to make warre with the Persians. Then when he had 
     overcome them, to passe through Hyrcania (compassing in 
     the sea Caspium, and mount Caucasus) into the realme of 
     Pontus, and so to invade Scythia: and overrunning all the 
     contries, and people adjoyning unto high Germany, and 
     Germany it selfe, at length to returne by Gaule into Italie, 
     and so to enlarge the Romane Empire round, that it might 
     be every way compassed in with the great sea Oceanum. 
     But whilest he was preparing for this voiage, he attempted 
     to cut the barre of the straight of Peloponnesus, in the 
     place where the city of Corinthe standeth. Then he was 
     minded to bring the rivers of Anienes and Tiber, straightAnienes,
     from Rome, unto the citie of Circees, with a deepe channellTiber flu.
     and high banckes cast up on either side, and so to fall into 
     the sea at Terracina, for the better safety and commodity of 
     the marchants that came to Rome to trafficke there. Further- 
     more, he determined to draine and seawe all the water of the 
     marisses betwext the cities of Nomentum and Setium, to make 
     it firme land, for the benefit of many thowsandes of people: